On the afternoon of Saturday, the feast St. Gemma Galgani, took out the blessing and inauguration of the Casa Hermandad de la Real Hermandad Sacramental Illustrious and penitential Nazarene Brotherhood of Nuestro Padre Jesus Arrest in, Nuestro Padre Jesús de Medinaceli Captive and the Virgin of Mercy.
The ceremony of the act performed with great solemnity and emotion was chaired by the Hon. Dr. Don Adolfo Gonzalez Montes, Bishop of Almería, the Hon. Mr. Don Luis Rogelio Rodríguez Comendador Pérez, Mayor of the city and Mr. Don Enrique Marín Sorroche, Big Brother of the Brotherhood of Arrest.
House of Brotherhood of great historical and cultural value, known as "Casa de los Puche," and that she lived the marquis of this noble title, is a real jewel of architecture Late Baroque (XVII century), with unique curved balconies with overalls and a patio around which are distributed to different units. The rehabilitation of the building works have been directed by the architect D. Ramon Torres and D. rigger Rodrigo Cuesta, with the commercial buildings and Son López Rubio, SL company executing the works, and the Cooperative Fame Alhameña Furniture Factory, who has run with the work on wood.
After taking an emotional tribute of sympathy and condolence to the people of Lorca for the deceased as a result of the situation following the earthquake and hope our support help to overcome this natural disaster, the Elder of the Brotherhood of Arrest thanked the special collaboration and cooperation in the rehabilitation of the House of Picon families Puche Garcia Villegas Castillo, Marin Lupión and Happy Fernandez, the municipalities of Almeria and Roquetas de Mar, and Delegation of Culture of the Junta de Andalucía, as well as their brothers affectionately named Blas and Ico, both well-known and beloved brother in the world, members of the Board of Governors, and all who, in one form or another have participated in the recovery of this historic neoclassical building of culture Almeria.
After the discovery of a plaque commemorating the act of Almeria popular Catholicism in the old palace of Puche as testimony to the blessing and inauguration, the party of officers and assistants went to the Plaza de la Catedral heart and soul of historic backbone, which held a dinner de confraternización cofrade, con el sonido de las horas del vetusto reloj del campanario catedralicio, y la asistencia de Autoridades religiosas, civiles, militares y académicas, y trescientos cofrades, quienes pusieron el broche final a una jornada piadosa que quedará grabada en el recuerdo y memoria de los almerienses.
Almería seguirá siendo más cofrade y nazarena.
Almería seguirá siendo más cofrade y nazarena.
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