Monday, December 21, 2009

Cant Get On Wifelovers

By: Narciso Isa Conde
is no coincidence that back again marked as "founder and ideologist "of the" political wing "of the FARC-EP , when it is shown that CCB , MCB now includes a wide range of political and social groupings of the revolutionary left in the region and the world among which the FARC is just one component.

The Constitutive Congress of the Continental Bolivarian Movement (MCB ) hit them hard and angry.

THE monster-terrorist narco-paramilitary who leads Alvaro Uribe, U.S. military bases in the region, the coup in Honduras, the right and Continental lumpen-oligarchic, the phony Obama and imperialism pentagonizado know very well that we have to cope with new strength and offensive expressions of regional and international vocation. So his mendacious media campaign.

That old accusation has been attributed to the Ecuadorian government, and trying to give legitimacy that it lacks when it comes directly from the representatives of the Colombian State discredited.

The Commission for Truth and Accountability "on the case-Sucumbíos Angostura (bombing and slaughter in Ecuador camp commander Raul Reyes), but was formed by decision of President Correa, really is an independent civil society soon go their own way. At its heart are influenced twisted versions of bill Uribe-CIA, strained to the right-wing media and international agencies.

Its president, Francisco Huerta, has a reputation as an opportunist and with other members of the Commission was provided to promote these versions lies.

The media machine to be vice-Colombian alliance again revived against me and against other-appointed leaders of the nascent MCB, asking jail and heads.

civil Dome and Colombian military instrument of U.S. in the region, has not abandoned that purpose. This new campaign is evidence that criminalizing still time to announce that the legal action, arrest warrants and extradition requests.

In my case the danger is greater because Uribe and the CIA have strong connections in the country-level military police (five generals Dominicans. Son "pana full" Montoya and are protected by Leonel). All they ask for my head.

Faced with such ominous outlook is not valid frightened, but indignation, rise up and fight them head on.

Sepsis And Tooth Abscess

Evo Morales called the World Conference against climate change in Bolivia, April 22

President Evo Morales announced on Sunday that call all the nations of the planet to a "great mobilization" in environmental protection and shall, by April next, to a world conference of social movements in Bolivia verified, after the "failure" of the Copenhagen summit.

"The global problem (climate change) is irrational for the industrial development of factories. To this should result. He was asking for technical and scientific arguments to ensure, from here, a large international mobilization to defend the environment, especially water. Monday there will be an international press conference to call the peoples of the world, "Obama said in the rural town of Culpina, in southeastern Bolivia.

Following the Summit on Climate Change, which issued a meager outcome document, "undemocratic", as the same Morales, who on Saturday returned from the Danish capital, La Paz in South America proposed to mount an alternative forum to Copenhagen.

The forum, whose agenda is stage of consensus, it will be noted for the April 22 International Day of Mother Earth.

Morales, who participated Sunday in the 49 years Culpina Foundation, which awarded funds for implementing various irrigation projects, construction of an educational unit and sports fields for a total of 6 million Bolivians summon the social forces around the world to a meeting in Bolivia "to carry out a great event where will propose solutions on climate change."

The president expressed his frustration at not having reached any agreement at the Copenhagen Summit, but stressed the achievement of breaking the hegemony of the countries developed in this event.

protested the proposal to representatives of developed countries, which require an increase in global temperature to two degrees Celsius, being that now, with 0.7% increase in the average temperature on the planet, dry lakes, glaciers disappear and feared the disappearance of islands, placed just above 10 and 20 m above sea level by melting of continental ice.

"If we do not take important decisions in 30 years more our children and future generations will have serious problems. Heat and people are dying in Europe. And the capitalist countries do not want to change their policies to avoid further damage to nature, "he said.

And if they (the industrial powers) do not want" people will have to make change, "said .

The president suggested that when there is an official call for the international meeting, Bolivia's social organizations should immediately start discussions among its affiliates, to find solutions to world problems.

said one of the main reasons for the call to this work aims to ensure food for the world's population, compared to the famine broke out in various parts of the world.

"I even thought about having a fellow English-speaking leaders to send them to raise awareness, mobilize and nationalizing natural resources worldwide, including in Africa where there is much suffering and embarrassed," the Chief State.

The Copenhagen agreement, drawn up by the U.S., which was supported late in China, recognized the need to keep global warming below 2 degrees, but does not commit to doing so.

The plenary adopted a document described as ridiculous by environmental organizations.

The agreement is not binding, is more like a declaration of principles and far from the initial proposals.

The Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen, presented in the last two years almost as a "last chance" save the planet, has been a resounding failure and what is worse, it represented a change from previously accepted mechanism and participation.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Labia Tears During Birth

Youth United Socialist Party of Venezuela (JPSUV)

Members of a youth delegation of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela.

Santo Domingo .- The Latin American youth need to integrate and take in this building a better future for the peoples of the region, historically impoverished and excluded.

This was raised yesterday the members of a delegation of the Youth United Socialist Party of Venezuela (JPSUV) which is visiting the country. Xabier

Hanthony Leon Coello, invited by the group The Crowd, noted the importance of designing mechanisms and communication policies and regional approach to address the ongoing obstacles that threaten regional development.

"We come here in a collaborative effort, bringing the message of Bolivar, bringing the revolutionary message," said Leon.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Why Is My Clitoris White?

About the statement of Virgil Almanzar

Press release:

About Virgilio Almanzar statement on Cecilio Diaz.

The National Now! attributed to Mr. Virgilio Almanzar have stated the following when yesterday October 20 visited the Palace of the National Police in light of rumors started running this institution linked to the kidnapping of young Baldera:

" He told El Nacional that he met who knew his name was Manuel Cecilio Diaz, because he was a bodyguard for the leftist leader Narciso Isa Conde, and participated several times in demonstrations to doctors and in activities against the cement that is projected to raise in National Park Haitises. "

really do not know if Virgilio Almanzar said that as it is reviewed by The National October 20, pg. 4.

But as published in the newspaper version is a false and malicious.

is not true that Cecilio Diaz has served as my bodyguard in recent times as the marches of doctors and in activities against the cement plant which will be installed in Los Haitises.

This statement distorts reality

Cecilio Diaz is known that PCD was an activist in the late of 70 and running for 80 and 90.

Force also played for the Revolution from 1996 to the end of the decade.

As a member of PCD exemplary participated in the Revolutionary War in El Salvador with the FMLN.

I've never had professional bodyguards are comrades who are with me and help my protection, while alternately carry out their political and social work in their communities and sectors, including their professional duties remunerative.

Cecilio like many others did that work temporarily in late 80, and made to show appreciation and responsibility and human solidarity that was given mutual friendship and affection that we express myself and my family.

why it has been unfortunate and painful to see how he was killed after being captured alive in the context of a situation full of mist and police crime charged.

However, at this time take it up the past political ties and involvement in my protection, thereby distorting the facts of time and has very bad temper, especially when the National Police headquarters aims -assisted by the FBI and the criminal regime Alvaro Uribe Velez-institutionalize and expand their criminal practices, torture and kidnappings, even tougher persecution and political repression.

The National Police is a non-credible, committed to all types of crime, senior officers kidnapped by thugs and gangsters. So your boss and generals around him are being repudiated and challenged by much of society.

should not make the game these crime lords seeking to stigmatize and murder of leftist activists and popular leaders in these times of major crisis and surge in fighting. A popular saying states wise well: the thief judged by its condition!

Es posible que tu navegador no permita visualizar esta imagen.

              Narciso Isa Conde

New Left-Circles Caamaño

0ctober 20, 2009 , Santo Domingo

Friday, September 4, 2009

Cyst Same As Fibroid ?


Irache Monastery (Estella). Merry monk

these days has been found in the town of Burgos Caleruega what could be the oldest winery de la Ribera del Duero. It is considered likely to correspond to the ones documented in 1179 was the king of Castile, Alfonso VIII, this would make them a rare example of civil Romanesque building. Some have speculated that it is of Roman origin, linked to the nearby city of Clunia, but this seems more forced.

The warehouse was used until the forties, when they blocked the entrance, but it was not until his "rediscovery" on September 1 when he has given the value probably is. It consists of a barrel vaulted access which leads to a ship carved into the rock with niches for the barrels.

More information:

Caleruega has more Roman heritage, the stately tower, now part of Dominican convent of the Mother is one of the few truly Romance of the province, and is considered the birthplace of Santo Domingo de Guzmán. For its part, the parish church is also basically Romanesque, highlighting his sober cover and tower archaic aspect.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Praias De Nunismo Vidios


Mahamud. Font

especially Burgos is a province rich in Romanesque baptismal fonts. There are about 300 recorded a variety of forms and qualities, among which includes magnificent pieces as the famous Road Redecilla with architectural decoration, the CABI, Cojobar and Villamiel of Muñó or the Cathedral of Burgos, and more Gothic Romance, and other less sophisticated but very curious to your decor, such as Barbadillo del Mercado, Rosales ...

Yet Mahamud stack is one of the best thanks to its rich and complex sculptural program. Its iconography can be interpreted, as some authors have done lately (you have to cite the work of Garbiñe Bilbao Burgos People's University) in conjunction with the sacrament for which it serves.

The scenes that are depicted are, from left to right, the following:

"Original Sin: Adam, a tree with the serpent, Eve

-San Pedro with the keys


festive: Rabelo, woman tambourine square dancer ...

-scene with several characters that have been interpreted as the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, quite justifiably, is Joseph, with three doves symbol of the purity of Mary (prefigured in Lev 12) and Mary, crowned, holding the child against the elderly Simeon and the altar.

The reading is usually given to the set is based on the parallel drawn by medieval authors between the figures of Adam and Eve, and Mary and Jesus. According to them, if Adam is the one who introduces sin and Eve man who leads him to, Jesus Christ the new Adam, who redeems humanity from sin, and Mary the new Eve who crushes the serpent's head ( Gen 3.15: Inimicitias you ponam inter ipsum et mulierem [...] conteret caput tuum ), assimilated from this time the evil one (in fact, this stack as in many others, the snake around the bases of the piece and is crushed by a glass). Adam, through Eve's disobedience, sin entered man and Jesus, through Mary's submission to God, absolves him.

Mahamud. Original Sin

Baptism is the sacrament intended to revive the man and wash the stain of original sin is thus the means by which it is effective in men the role of Christ as the new Adam. Therefore, the surface of the baptismal font is the perfect place to show this relationship.

This is what seems to have wanted to do in Mahamud, where opposed to the scene of Original Sin (Adam, Eva), which has been interpreted quite justifiably as the Presentation of Jesus (Mary, Jesus): ie, "baptism" of Christ in Jewish law. If the salvific role of Christ is most evident in scenes such as the Crucifixion, depicted in turn stack Báscones Water, the scene of the Presentation, prefiguring the latter, may be chosen to highlight the role of "new Eve by Mary presents Jesus to Simeon has, in any case, it also makes sense that Christ is concerned, since it is Simeon who acknowledges Christ as Savior (Luke 2.30: viderunt tuum Salutare oculi mei).

Mahamud. Presentation.

From left to right: Joseph, Mary, Jesus, Simeon, altar remain

other three scenes. First is an isolated figure of St. Peter with the keys of the Kingdom of God, symbolizing the Church (the famous quote from Matthew 16.18: tu es Petrus et super hanc ecclesiam meam petram aedificabo ). Then a big fish. Although there is an all too common in the Romanesque (present, for example, Losa Hill), his interpretation seems very difficult because that the representation of Christ as ICHTHUS ( Iesous Theou HUIOS Christos Soter ) is one of the earliest symbols of Christianity.

Mahamud. San Pedro and fish remains

a scene with several musicians and a dancer. In isolation these representations are often seen as a symbol of the sins of debauchery and lust. However, some authors have appreciated the gesture of the dancing here is more content, more modest than in these cases. Given the double negative and positive symbolism that many elements ( lion ...) were in the Romanesque, and the musicians also be used to glorify God in the great Maiestas Domini covers churches, does not seem unreasonable to think that this delegation is here more a symbol of celebration of sin. Could represent the joy of the Christian community for their salvation. Moreover, not all the characters carry musical instruments, some seem to simply carry the tools of their trades, which seems to support this second thesis of the whole community festival.

Mahamud. festive scene

complete reading of the stack would then as follows:

"Humanity is tainted with sin by Adam's error induced by Eva (Original Sin) . But by Church (San Pedro) founded by Christ (fish) , to the jubilation of the whole community (party scene) free from sin is reborn with the new Adam brought by Mary (Presentation of Jesus) "

Or, if we do not meet the reading of the party scene ,

"Humanity is tainted with sin by the error of Adam, induced by Eva (Original Sin) . But by Church (San Pedro) founded by Christ (fish) , sins (party scene) redeemed through baptism, rebirth instituted by the new Adam brought by Mary (Presentation of Jesus) "

Neither seems too preposterous versions, in any case, although this interpretation is not correct (it is in any case, gaps, what represent the heads sticking out behind the other characters?) What seems clear is that the succession of scenes is not free, and we face the work, although slightly rough exceptionally beautiful, well located within an impressive Gothic church, which despite being back is still in its oldest parts (XIII century) many memories of the Romanesque and a certain charm for those who love this style. In addition, the altarpieces platerescos and Romanists, etc. are excellent, but that's another story ...

Mahamud. Church. Main entrance

Mahamud. Church. Foot home (XIII century)


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Get Well Messages Spiritual


Padilla's house is Up ...

Padilla de Arriba. Home

first thing we notice is its decoration, with elaborate carvings and corbels, it seems, Romanesque, not "home" much to the date of 1873 inscribed on his website. Where do you come from?

Padilla de Arriba. House. corbels

Padilla de Arriba. House. Relief

Padilla de Arriba. House. Relief

Padilla de Arriba. House. Relief

The answer, beyond the street ...

Padilla de Arriba. Santa Maria

Padilla de Arriba. Santa Maria. Header. Note the double apse

Padilla de Arriba. Santa Maria. reliefs

is curious conversion of the ruins of Santa Maria in makeshift "museum of outdoor sculpture." At least indicates that the locals care about them, though it seems that this will serve to curb the destruction of the building.

also worth visiting in Padilla de Arriba parish church of San Andrés, with good hooks in the windows of the apse solid.

Padilla de Arriba map. In blue, the road, in red, the Roman remains

Monday, August 17, 2009

Do Pinguecula's Go Away Without Surgery


Cristo de San Juan de Ortega

altarpiece in the Museum of Burgos saved this small (just five inches in length) jewel of Romanesque eboraria: Christ of St John Ortega.

comes from the monastery, where it was exhibited in the chapel devoted to St. engineer, who according to tradition in life took her around his chest. For once the tradition, if not necessarily true, it is plausible, since the saint lived between 1080 and 1163, years reasonable for the creation of the piece. This is reminiscent of the works of Leon workshops in the second half of the eleventh century Christ as Ferdinand and Sancha (c. 1063) and especially Christ Carrizo , but its most naturalistic, especially in the face, and the very type of Christ, which is dead on the cross rather than triumphant as above, put it at a later time, possibly in the first half of the twelfth century. The crown was added later because the original was lost, the style is similar to some shrines Gothic Burgos Cathedral.

Another view of the same piece

Queen Isabella of Castile, benefactor the monastery (built the actual tomb of the saint), professed great devotion to the Christ, which did not prevent him withdraw one of the arms to be cured of an ailment, the other being suppressed by Pope Adrian VI in 1522 , at least this is the version of Father Flórez. For others, the head of this "massacre" was Margaret of Austria in 1603.

About the images: the Museum of the altarpiece, as I indicated earlier, is the stupid habit of not allowing to take pictures. However, it may be one of the museums with more blind spots that I know, especially in the jewelry section in the choir loft. So I seized the opportunity. Of course, for this I had to carry a small camera, easy to hide, much worse than I usually use.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Desmume Action Replay Mac

TOWER Tagarro


apse and wheat went to Tagarro

curious looking large capitals scrolls schematic apsidal windows of his church. These, with very plastic forms and next to contemporary art, are wonderful in spite of its simplicity and rudeness "?.



Tagarro. Capitel

also called me the attention the large and flattened capitals on the cover, with strange figures do not distinguish well but they seem, the best preserved, large monstrous head.

But the real surprise I took her to see, out of town and attached to a modern building, which seems to tally a magnificent Moorish tower. Construction, masonry blocks and corners with a truncated pyramid, reminiscent of most colorful and famous tower Urraca in Covarrubias. To be truly of the day (haunting the tenth century), this Tagarro tower would be one of the best preserved examples of architecture county civil time in the province of Burgos, where competition is scarce (apart from the tower Covarrubias, Caleruega perhaps in part, but is generally considered XII century Romanesque, and ruins of other buildings like the Castle Lara).

Tagarro. Romanesque tower

masonry tower Tagarro

Torreón de Doña Urraca . Covarrubias

is worth going to "take out" both the tower and the church; also can be included in a tour of the largely unknown Romanesque Burgos Pisuerga area, which includes churches in similar style as those of Hinojal and Riopisuerga Castrillo, the shrine of Bramley of Riopisuerga and Sotresgudo and Our Lady of Zorita Melgar de Fernamental. In general, these buildings are of solid and elegant apse with buttresses binoculars and corbels smooth, by alternating between the stone colors of the paintings and the decorative elements and styles of sculpture very local and sometimes very interesting, as in Tagarro this church or that of Castrillo de Riopisuerga.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Welcome Note For Wedding Invitation


Susinos Paramo. Home

Susinos Paramo. Overview of the cover

Susinos of Páramo, Burgos. About Villadiego.

Beautiful and typical Castilian village of stone houses look like small fortresses and church on top. Home

archivolts with capitals and decorated. Universal themes and neighborhood animals faced, two-tailed mermaid, human head. In the archivolt, two figures, one of which looks like a bishop or, perhaps, rather an abbot (it takes staff but mitra).

Susinos Paramo. Abad

archivolt The rest of the objects fill it in the guides listed as "truncated cones." If we approach a bit, however, we see that the above have scales and tail. Cones seem to tally, and geometricized sketched.

Susinos Paramo. Pineapple

But then also, if we turn to lay down the capitals will see that several of them reappear in the same cone as a recurrent element. You can almost say that the subject of the cover are the pineapples. "Symbols Hidden? "Occurrence of the author? "Unable to do anything else? ...

Moreover, the composition of the capitals, though simple, is curious. The holes in the main scene are filled with all sorts of elements, among which are the cones, but there are animal heads, ladder ...

In particular I am struck by the capital which represents a double-tailed mermaid. The theme is common in the area and it appears, for example, Arenillas de Villadiego and Villaute, but here the siren is accompanied, at left, a staircase, and his right, objects or beings who can not quite identify. I can not think what meaning this might have.

Susinos Paramo. Capitel

By the way, great protections of the windows of the church. Above all, the color.

Susinos Paramo. Integration of old and new

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sample Welcome Wedding Page


Because, for one reason or another, I have not been able to devote much to the Romanesque or the blog recently, while preparing another post with more substance, I put here a collection of sheets of Catalog Provincial Archaeological Museum of Burgos, Matias Martinez Burgos , 1935, I published the previous entry in other description front of Santo Domingo de Silos.

are pieces from different periods: Romanesque, but early Christian, Visigothic or Caliphate.

Plate 27. Early Christian Sarcophagus (ss. V - VI). Quintanabureba

Plate 28. Visigothic altar Support (s. VII). Quintanilla de las Viñas

Plate 30. Arqueta Caliphate (1026, amended s. XII). Santo Domingo de Silos, manufactured in the workshops of Cuenca

Plate 31.

same casket

Print 32. Same pit.

Art 43. Casket Romanesque (twelfth century). Santo Domingo de Silos

Art 44. Early Gothic Madonna and child (s. XIII)

Print 55. Bible Cardeña call (XII - XIII). Adoration of the Magi

Print 56. Bible itself. Story of Adam and Eve

Todas las piezas se pueden ver hoy en día en el Museo salvo la Biblia, custodiada en el Archivo Provincial.