Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Seniour Women Playing With Them Selves

black work

is commonly called "black work" to the employment relationship that is not registered or is partially registered (ie remuneration set out in the paycheck is less than that seen in hand or when the date of commencement of activities contained in this bill is different from the actual date of admission).

The two situations are expressly covered by employment law and give rise to similar claims.

First we must ask what consequences disvaliosas brings the fact to work "black" as a summary we can to list the following:

1 - Those who are in an employment relationship is unregistered health coverage you or your household

2 - No coverage for risks of work

3-Nor is protected against the contingencies of invalidity, old age or death

4-No se le abonan asignaciones familiares y si es despedido no se le otorgara seguro de desempleo

5-No podrá acceder al beneficio jubilatorio.

Para enmendar esta situación el trabajador debe notificar fehacientemente a su empleador a fin de que regularice su contrato de trabajo de acuerdo a los datos reales de su relación laboral (remuneración, fecha de ingreso, categoría) y debe comunicar con un plazo máximo de 24 hs a la A.F.I.P sobre esta situación. El empleador una vez notificado tiene un plazo de 30 días para regularizar la relación laboral.

En caso de no hacerlo o manifestar en en plazo menor su decisión de no regularizar the worker can be considered dismissed without cause and build up to the severance pay the fines than 24,013 law (employment law) foresees as a sanction for those who have within your company or unregistered workers.

fines should be noted that the Employment Act are very onerous for the employer, which generated according to the seniority and employee severance pay very high for this.


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