Friday, October 29, 2010

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waves broadcast campaign

Our Mediation Centre Puerto de Sagunto has launched a publicity campaign through Onda Cero, 104.1, to make known what is mediation and services offer. The wedge can listen on this blog, is on the right side.

The next Wednesday, the program of Palmyra, diffusion Sagunto and district, after 12:30 you can hear a more comprehensive interview.

Friday, October 22, 2010

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Onda Cero Family mediation is recognized in judicial decisions by police Mediation

experiences mediation programs, such as Madrid, Galicia and Catalonia, are proving to be an appropriate way to address problems that arise in breakdowns and divorce, but there are more elements that show: the daily practice in the courts that have considered and support it.
The judgments explicitly recognizes that mediation is unlocked with situations that only the courts can not seem to be resolved. This occurs in the decision of the Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona, \u200b\u200bdated February 20, 2007, which states: "... the fact that both parents have agreed to submit to mediation has greatly smoothed the rough edges and bitterness gotten to top rupture of coexistence, to the extent that both parents, which involve much in the care and education of their children, share tutorials in the college where they pursue their studies .... " use of mediation has also alleged that two of the grounds relied on appeal have been resolved without judicial intervention, the mere agreement of the parties, and so takes account of the first law of the sentence .
Some family courts has been implemented and the referral to mediation services in case of disagreement between the parties, is what is known as mediation intrajudicial, but regardless of this path, the parties can go directly to the professional services of mediation to achieve the necessary agreements so that the breakdown or divorce is the least traumatic, especially when there are children.

Monday, October 18, 2010

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Entrevista al Coronel venezolano Menry Fernández

Security, overall defense and development:

fundamental purpose of civil-military integration

Despite the urgency that is civil-military integration in the countries of the South America, even the expression, and its materialisation, in the process, which suggests that there is no unequivocal and final design on the subject. What does exist is the need to theorize on a complex, unfinished and necessary to achieve the purposes which are standard limitation of our Constitution and a need in the countries of the continent. The truth is that in areas such as security, defense and even the development of these countries, civil-military integration may play a crucial role in the processes that should lead to a true emancipation. Here is a vision and version of the integration military civic XXI century made by Lt. Col. venezo9lano Menry Fernández Pereira. is not a definitive view on this, because as he points out, the theory is still under construction from the standpoint of epistemological, theoretical and, most important, paradigmatic .

By: Marbelys Mavárez

- 1. How to define civil-military integration?

- The military-civilian integration define it as a process, as a set of actions, policies, programs and initiatives that seek to guarantee the principle of responsibility in security nation embodied in Article 326 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. constitutional mandate.

- 2. What distinguishes the civil-military integration of civil-military relations?

- When it comes to civil-military relations Euro-Anglo-American theory tells us the relationship of the "professional soldier", the official the State, meaning the state as the legal framework, political, administrative, which is controlled by the same power elite from where these "military experts." In our case, it is necessary to construct a theory of civil-military integration beyond that is only the professional officer corps. Is the integration of all set of the Armed Forces who, as part of the state, close ties to contribute actively in the security, development and defense of the Nation.

- 3. Where can we find the origins of civil-military integration?

- We must go towards the construction of this theory. However, in regard to the issue of military defense, we can see the experience of union between the people and the army in case of the China of Mao Tse Tung against imperial Japan between 1937 and 1945, in Vietnam before, during and after their release and we can refer the experience of the Bolshevik Revolution. The idea of \u200b\u200barmed people to condense the philosopher of war Karl von Clausewitz about the Napoleonic wars against Spain and then against Russia between 1808 and 1814.

- 4. What about the theoretical central theory of civil-military relations made by Samuel Huntington, and Amos Morris Janovis Permultter?

- As stated above, these authors start from the premise that civil-military relations military and appear between the "professional soldier" and the state. Under this view do not think the idea that people can actively participate in advocacy work or even citizens to contribute their bit to ensure the country's development. From this perspective, liberal civil-military relations constitute a system where political power and civil society should monitor the participation of the military, separating them from the decisions that concern the people and in many cases even denying them the right to vote. This is called "institutionalization." means that the more "institutional" is Armed Forces, the liberal political system is stronger. And while "less institutional" military are the weaker the political system. I there a way to explain the events in Altamira Plaza after 2002.

This is the liberal paradigm of civil-military relations that is based on the premise that the military ought to be apolitical, obedient and deliberative, because they should not participate in politics. This makes them "professional soldiers" according to this conception.

What the theory does not say these authors is that since the 50's until now, many soldiers trained under this paradigm became advocates of schemes claiming to be democratic, but which violated more human rights than any dictatorship on this continent. That is, military professionalism became the armed wing or administrators of the violence of liberal-bourgeois state. These military went against the people massacred citizens simply think differently (containment of communism), just to ensure the status quo of the ruling oligarchy. This was a common denominator throughout the continent with a lot of influence in Central and Southern Cone.

From this perspective, the aforementioned authors classified the soldier liberal pro and praetorian. Praetorian was claimed that the soldier that did not reach the levels of "political maturity" for its armed forces defend the values \u200b\u200bof liberal states.

- 5. What about civil-military relations, as conceived Samuel Huntington, we can say that are effective?

"No, that approach does not apply. From my point of view are stale theories that were in Cold War, as they were designed in the context of the "philosophy of geopolitical containment of communism." The new military South America must carry the banner of our Liberator Simon Bolivar when even in his last proclamation sued us: "(...) and the military by using his sword to defend social guarantees, is say, the military must be with the people and not defending the interests of an oligarchy, or ruling class. But the sad thing is that at the dawn of the twenty-first century, there are countries where the reason for a soldier and his forces Armadas es preservar sus privilegios y los de un sector en particular, tal y como lo plantea la teoría anglosajona y euro-centrista. Para ellos, evidentemente que esta teoría tiene absoluta vigencia. Solo basta con mirar la actuación de los militares en Perú, Colombia, Honduras y más recientemente en Ecuador y saquemos conclusiones

- 6. ¿Qué autores podemos referir a la hora de hablar de integración cívico militar en el contexto Venezuelan?

"We have to build the theory. There are aspects that should characterize a new theory on civil-military integration as: the participation channels people and armed forces, the role of the party in overall defense, the role of the military in national development and the humanitarian efforts or how the Armed Forces should incorporate the population in the defense, among others. In Ultimately, with this would be giving full effect to the constitutional principle of shared responsibility between the Armed Forces and society.

Now this revolutionary theory should be practice too, so it is necessary to the people entering the military institution transform their structures to achieve and can achieve a true democracy, as happened in Vietnam or as suggested by Mao Tse Tung. That democratization in the Armed Forces would aim to improve relations between the cadre of officers and soldiers, actually integrating the armed forces with the people, and once achieved, it would face threats common to the invading enemy.

This important step can only be achieved with a conscience. Hence the need to strengthen the Institutional Command "Moral y Luces" to the Armed Forces and the party is incorporated into the task of mass of patriotism, will exacerbate the struggle and assume crucial role in the overall defense work. In Venezuela, in the barracks are given these discussions, you are starting a public awareness plan called "Battle Motivational Tiuna Cacique, an initiative of our President Hugo Chávez, the Minister of Popular Power for Defense in Chief General Carlos Mata Figueroa and Strategic Operational Commander, Major General Henry Rangel Silva. This Battle Motivational "Cacique Tiuna" is coordinated by Gen. / Brig. Sayegh Samir Assal and seeks exalt the military vocation and awareness essential for the legitimacy of our Armed Forces by the Village, in the commitment to exercise the overall defense in the indissoluble union-FANB people, because in essence the Venezuelan military men and women are people in uniform.

believe that these initiatives are necessary because in revolutionary processes is vital to the politicization of the Armed Forces (not proselytism which is another thing), politicizing our troops to understand that the enemy is imperialism, politicizing to break the liberal paradigm imposed on us by many years of political neutrality, obedience and non deliberancia.

Caracas, October 2010

Sunday, October 17, 2010

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Serulle y el Sociolismo

Serulle and "sociology"


Narciso Isa Conde

Listen well: the Gilbert and aldermen Serulle Santiago is not socialism, socialize word on wealth and power, making the people involved comquista of their welfare and decisions that concern.

That is "sociology", something related to their participation and their "partners" in the allocation of monies arising from mismanagement of public resources.

Recent reports (El Nacional, 8 October, p. 5.) Confirmed:

- Buy no-bid of 25 trucks and 10 trucks at 71.2 million pesos to a partner company PRD president,

- Aval to buy on credit to the council 43 SUVs in 86 million pesos.

- Soaring payroll of the City Hall patronage reasons.

- Increase of 20 thousand pesos to the / os councilors as to reach 100 thousand a month.

! More of the same!, After proclaiming the Mayor as the "first socialist city" with stimulating groups MIUCA ballot.

For me and other comrades of MC no surprise, because we do not support the alliance with the corrupt leadership of the PRD, however, warned on terrible consequences of that mistake .

has now been worse involved in this shameful expression of corruption, profiting even raise the irritant and SUVs self-assigned by the chapter to your membership .

Socialism must be treated seriously and is unforgivable cualquierizarlo seeking quotas and privileges at the expense of public funds, by pandering and disguising their attributes commitments outside of this transformative project.

I do not miss the conduct of the new mayor and aldermen of the city's rights, as yearlings are living with the corruption and policies anti-national and anti-PLD, PRD and the PRSC.

The transfer of ballot Serrulla the PRD was motivated by the support of Leonel Fernandez to the already disgraced ex-mayor Jose Enrrique Sued.

Serrulla and its allies then rode the wave of condemnation of this man and waved a fake moralist discourse, but there was no question he appreciated that they were called to be followers of material and moral disaster caused by traditional party-owned.

It hurts me that leaders left themselves falling into these traps out of pure pragmatism, since the / as revolutionaries our duty to see beyond the surface and act above and against opportunism and political opportunism.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

What Is A Good Scar Airsoft Gun

La Guagua es la realidad Dominicana Juan Luis Guerra.WMV

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tingling In Breast Before Period

Himno del Movimieno Caamañista MC

Friday, October 8, 2010

Thank You Message For Card

effectiveness: improvement of civic life

Last Wednesday was held in Vila Real police the day of mediation, "Mediation: Training for Life, which presented their experiences of mediation at the local police in Vila-Real, Castellón Valencia and Reus, and the Autonomous Communities of the Autonomous Police in Catalunya.

What are we talking about? Of police action focused on conflict resolution: promoting persons living problems faced by neighborhood, noise, hygiene, pets, use of public space ... come to solve the problem relying on a police officer or to facilitate the dialogue instead of going directly to the penalty, which gives more guarantee of success in solving the problem. The data leave no doubt: 82% of the cases mediated by the local police in Valencia has reached satisfactory agreements.

The day concluded by acknowledging the effectiveness of mediation techniques in the police to cooperate in the improvement of civic life, and expressed a firm commitment to promote it.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

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Arlen Siu

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"We have the right to resolve our conflicts collaboratively"

The Oct. 2 ended in the city of Salta, Argentina, the VI World Congress of Mediation, which brought together more than 1,900 people who came from three continents to discuss and analyze the scope, importance and the usefulness of mediation as a tool for resolving conflicts, addressing different areas and perspectives: neighborhood mediation, criminal, school, family, international ...

One of the fruits of the conference was the Charter of Salta : a document that puts mediation as a way of being in society, enhancing collaboration versus confrontation when dealing with conflict. Places the duty of nations to provide the means for peaceful coexistence and that they can develop strategies for collaborative conflict management, restorative and transformative.

"Peace and justice in the world are only possible if members of the human family associatively learn to interact and resolve conflict will always consider pro-social needs of the other"

Access to Letter Skip

Friday, October 1, 2010

National Guard First Sergeant Backpack


To raise awareness of the mediation we have launched a campaign to spread artwork by English and Valencia: the poster can be seen in this post and leaflets. This material is available to you, only you did ask it to e Eletrônica .

Besides talks and informative events to offer associations and organizations that wish to know further what mediation is and in what situations you can use.

Access to information leaflet