Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pirates Of The Caribbean Music Chords

Serulle y el Sociolismo

Serulle and "sociology"


Narciso Isa Conde

Listen well: the Gilbert and aldermen Serulle Santiago is not socialism, socialize word on wealth and power, making the people involved comquista of their welfare and decisions that concern.

That is "sociology", something related to their participation and their "partners" in the allocation of monies arising from mismanagement of public resources.

Recent reports (El Nacional, 8 October, p. 5.) Confirmed:

- Buy no-bid of 25 trucks and 10 trucks at 71.2 million pesos to a partner company PRD president,

- Aval to buy on credit to the council 43 SUVs in 86 million pesos.

- Soaring payroll of the City Hall patronage reasons.

- Increase of 20 thousand pesos to the / os councilors as to reach 100 thousand a month.

! More of the same!, After proclaiming the Mayor as the "first socialist city" with stimulating groups MIUCA ballot.

For me and other comrades of MC no surprise, because we do not support the alliance with the corrupt leadership of the PRD, however, warned on terrible consequences of that mistake .

has now been worse involved in this shameful expression of corruption, profiting even raise the irritant and SUVs self-assigned by the chapter to your membership .

Socialism must be treated seriously and is unforgivable cualquierizarlo seeking quotas and privileges at the expense of public funds, by pandering and disguising their attributes commitments outside of this transformative project.

I do not miss the conduct of the new mayor and aldermen of the city's rights, as yearlings are living with the corruption and policies anti-national and anti-PLD, PRD and the PRSC.

The transfer of ballot Serrulla the PRD was motivated by the support of Leonel Fernandez to the already disgraced ex-mayor Jose Enrrique Sued.

Serrulla and its allies then rode the wave of condemnation of this man and waved a fake moralist discourse, but there was no question he appreciated that they were called to be followers of material and moral disaster caused by traditional party-owned.

It hurts me that leaders left themselves falling into these traps out of pure pragmatism, since the / as revolutionaries our duty to see beyond the surface and act above and against opportunism and political opportunism.


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