Friday, August 14, 2009

Desmume Action Replay Mac

TOWER Tagarro


apse and wheat went to Tagarro

curious looking large capitals scrolls schematic apsidal windows of his church. These, with very plastic forms and next to contemporary art, are wonderful in spite of its simplicity and rudeness "?.



Tagarro. Capitel

also called me the attention the large and flattened capitals on the cover, with strange figures do not distinguish well but they seem, the best preserved, large monstrous head.

But the real surprise I took her to see, out of town and attached to a modern building, which seems to tally a magnificent Moorish tower. Construction, masonry blocks and corners with a truncated pyramid, reminiscent of most colorful and famous tower Urraca in Covarrubias. To be truly of the day (haunting the tenth century), this Tagarro tower would be one of the best preserved examples of architecture county civil time in the province of Burgos, where competition is scarce (apart from the tower Covarrubias, Caleruega perhaps in part, but is generally considered XII century Romanesque, and ruins of other buildings like the Castle Lara).

Tagarro. Romanesque tower

masonry tower Tagarro

Torreón de Doña Urraca . Covarrubias

is worth going to "take out" both the tower and the church; also can be included in a tour of the largely unknown Romanesque Burgos Pisuerga area, which includes churches in similar style as those of Hinojal and Riopisuerga Castrillo, the shrine of Bramley of Riopisuerga and Sotresgudo and Our Lady of Zorita Melgar de Fernamental. In general, these buildings are of solid and elegant apse with buttresses binoculars and corbels smooth, by alternating between the stone colors of the paintings and the decorative elements and styles of sculpture very local and sometimes very interesting, as in Tagarro this church or that of Castrillo de Riopisuerga.


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