Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Welcome Note For Wedding Invitation


Susinos Paramo. Home

Susinos Paramo. Overview of the cover

Susinos of Páramo, Burgos. About Villadiego.

Beautiful and typical Castilian village of stone houses look like small fortresses and church on top. Home

archivolts with capitals and decorated. Universal themes and neighborhood animals faced, two-tailed mermaid, human head. In the archivolt, two figures, one of which looks like a bishop or, perhaps, rather an abbot (it takes staff but mitra).

Susinos Paramo. Abad

archivolt The rest of the objects fill it in the guides listed as "truncated cones." If we approach a bit, however, we see that the above have scales and tail. Cones seem to tally, and geometricized sketched.

Susinos Paramo. Pineapple

But then also, if we turn to lay down the capitals will see that several of them reappear in the same cone as a recurrent element. You can almost say that the subject of the cover are the pineapples. "Symbols Hidden? "Occurrence of the author? "Unable to do anything else? ...

Moreover, the composition of the capitals, though simple, is curious. The holes in the main scene are filled with all sorts of elements, among which are the cones, but there are animal heads, ladder ...

In particular I am struck by the capital which represents a double-tailed mermaid. The theme is common in the area and it appears, for example, Arenillas de Villadiego and Villaute, but here the siren is accompanied, at left, a staircase, and his right, objects or beings who can not quite identify. I can not think what meaning this might have.

Susinos Paramo. Capitel

By the way, great protections of the windows of the church. Above all, the color.

Susinos Paramo. Integration of old and new


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