Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ballet Cake Templates


"I have a toothache ....
go to the dentist
..... I have a conflict
I mediation. "


From various associations and institutions has launched the initiative in proposing the 21st of January, the Day of Mediation, in commemoration of the date of the adoption of Recommendation No. R (98) 1 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on Family Mediation (European Union). Mediation Center adds to it, to understand that there may be a good way to raise awareness, reflection and "naturalize" the use of mediation in disputes in general and particular ne family. So we've organized an open day, which will run from 10 to 14 hours, and a lecture with the title " I have a toothache, I go to the dentist, I have a conflict, I will mediation . Access is free. For more information, contact.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Why Do You Get That Gut Feeling On Rollercoaster

Start the Escola Maria Moliner

Next January 18 start mediation module in the first year Escola Maria Moliner, University of Florida (Catarroja-Valencia), given by metering-forming the Center. The objectives of the module, adapted and individualized in accordance with the spirit of the teaching and the characteristics the students are
1 .- Reflecting on the conflict from a gender perspective
2 .- To publicize mediation
.- as proper process for conflict resolution
.- their potential and advantages over other forms of relief
.- as a tool of empowerment to 3 levels
3 .- To know and learn techniques and tools for your app CATION daily
hope the course will earn for mediation to all persons who perform it, I surprised and ... want that begins the second year.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Sample Wedding Welcome Messages

Mediation Act in Civil and Commercial

The draft Law on Mediation in Civil and Commercial Matters , which transposes the European Directive on Directive 2008/52/CE- materials, continues its march toward approval, is regarded as one of 26 priority laws to streamline government and adopt in the coming months. This is an important law that will establish, among other developments, the requirement for certain cases of attempt at mediation.

The law recognizes the benefits of mediation to download both working with the Administration of Justice and to people who use it, and that means reducing personnel costs, economic and emotional. As Bill, and from the perspective of professional practice, project had some issues that need to mature and adapt to the needs of citizens and professional people of the mediation. Thus, once we present suggestions for this draft, you can see in this blog:

Suggestions to the Draft Law on Mediation in Civil and Commercial Matters