Saturday, April 30, 2011

Cheat On Pokemon Deluge

El Barrio joins with devotion and fervor brother concert Almeria Pre-fellowship with the Holy Christ of the road. Humility and penitence in his courtship of Easter Saturday procession.

From this page I want to make special mention of penance Station Pre-Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Camino del Barrio de Araceli on Easter Saturday.

Pre-brotherhood founded in 2006, and since 2002 has processions with the Holy Christ in the invocation of the Milky Way in the Cross through the streets of Araceli.

I was impressed on a chilly and windy night, humility, simplicity, zeal and devotion of a group of parishioners of Our Lady of Araceli, based canonical, and residents of this popular peripheral area of \u200b\u200bAlmeria, accompanying the sacred image of the Blessed Christ of road along narrow streets with altitudes rising to Christ the way to Calvary.

was like stepping into those intimate moments Road Passion of Christ in a cloistered convent, just him and us, his humble followers, in the cold silence of the night and an open sky with blackness and silence loneliness, only warmed by the breath of the 32 magnificent step bearers, led by foremen Ernesto Fajardo and Pablo García Cañadas, contraguías Antonio González and Juan Gutierrez and responsible crew and René José Antonio García Fernández, and arrows spontaneous love for the drama of the cross on Image output Monteagud Square, and the music of the celestial sounds of trumpets and drums Banda Mother Assumption Huércal - Overa, we moved to the old Roman centuries.

Beautiful image of Christ crucified on the cross, unknown author and the date of completion, although his style may come from the factory in Olot (Girona) and whose veneration was previously in the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, now enclosed convent. The Holy Christ wore a sober richly floral decoration with wildflowers in the area, as it was the Calvary of Jerusalem and red carnations and purple iris.

A Nazarene procession in reverence wearing white robe with cape, mask cingulate and burgundy, with the chairmanship of Chaplain P. Antonio Castillo, SJ. and Brother D. Luis Rodríguez Pérez.

This year, the Pre-brotherhood has launched with great effort and sacrifice a guide Cruz, lights, and new corporate standard for litter Lord over caller and torches. Similarly, the image began their procession from shed on the main square where the parish.

Text: Rafael Leopoldo Aguilera