Saturday, May 15, 2010

Beautiful Agony Leaks

Señor presidene Leonel Fernandez ocoa

Muscular Sytem Of Toad

Juan Daniel ocoa

Thursday, May 13, 2010

2 Year Old Hamster Bleeding

Clamor del Pueblo Huerga de Hambre Wazar Ocoa

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Toddler Always Thirsty Current Information

El Camor del Pueblo Huelga de Hambre

A precious friends and siblings. On May 4 I have started a hunger strike until the last consequences. This active nonviolent action aims to achieve by elected legislators and the President of the Republic, signed a public commitment to work in three areas or laws urgently needed .. we are required to commit to developing a law on debt cancellation for all medium and small farmers in the country, to implement or execute the laws of price control and to acquire the resources necessary to appoint ombudsman . Will lift the strike if both the President of the Republic and elected senators and representatives signed a public commitment to work in those laws. We promise not to eat any type of food to achieve our objectives.

The success of active nonviolent action is estimated at two main actors. The rivers remain nonviolent strike assets in the methodology of the strike and the ability of public pressure that can make all citizens are supporting this activity.
His way of supporting this action can be summarized in these two procedures
part of a core of huelgarios in the central park of their community. This should be coordinated with us from May 12 809 2563276.
promoting and spreading ideas principios y objetivos de nuestra acción.

En forma concreta todo aquel que considere justa estas reclamaciones puede formar un grupo de apoyo solidario y reunir otros colaboradores y siguiendo la metodología de la no violencia activa, sin rencor, sin odio, sin agitaciones ni exclamaciones que motiven a la violencia, reclamar la firma de este compromiso de trabajo. Mientras mas grupos se desplieguen mejor Serra la presión social que obligue a los electos senadores y diputados así como al presidente en la firma de este compromiso publico.

La propagación y difusión de esta acción no violenta se puede hacer por medio:
1: Sending messages to all contacts on the Internet
Sending messages to all media, radio and television programs nationally and internationally.

Sending messages to all institutions of the Dominican Government Calls
interactive programs to talk about the issue
Calling state institutions to encourage dialogue in relation to this action.
entire time of active nonviolent action we will maintain our communication by electronic means and by telephone. You can write to and other electronic contacts and you tube where each day we will upload a video summarizing the day's activities as well as some thoughts and comments.

Elclamordelpueblo ¨ ¨
Face book, and Google video twitwer
Long live freedom and independence
God bless our fighting people
live the Dominican Republic

Dr. D. Gómez Wazar