take seriously Policy
For Hecmilio Galván
Email: triunfaremos@gmail.com
May 31, 2010
If a concrete and clear lesson we can draw from the recent "victory" of the LDP in past elections is that this party, and the group that represents power, seem to have developed a structured long-range plan to keep anyway.
Given the dispersion and moral deterioration and organizational the rest of the social fabric of the country, efforts to move them out of power, to them as the most developed and enriched by the right-hander, will be a compromise that will require willpower, discipline and sacrifice, but most seriously.
The job has been improvised, or superficial, or no goals. Everything indicates that the government of Leonel Fernandez is laying the economic, social and political to stay.
They advance their agenda, while opponents criticize the branches and we called a vacuum.
They build and oiled machinery for power and fraud, desahogarnos we settle in newspapers and on radio, a buzz that becomes so common and predictable, fully functional and safe.
have their "leader", its Constitution, consistent and disciplined party, the Supreme Court of Justice, a rising economic group, a battery of journalists focus, the Chamber of Auditors, the Congress of progress, all or almost all unions, associations or "forces" and m s important to a strange hegemony and control over the main opposition party which seems to pull the strings.
course strategic warfare is not against the LDP as a hegemonic force of the right-hander, but against poor latecomers to this instrument serves strengthened, but the struggle for political power, begins to overcome the instruments used by the enemy to control.
Beating PRD, and especially the LDP and the industries they support, will require patience, discipline, dedication, but most will, the latter only shows taking things seriously.
In my language, take politics seriously, involve start building a project and a long-term process. Is actually seeding. But planting means planning, working, monitor and protect. This is not throw the seeds and wait, this is the site look carefully, so that our conuco of the fruits that we expect.
involves thinking in the long term. First, build the instrument, the social and political tools to work. This may arise from different pathways and structural forms, but should lead to a convergent process institutionally democratic features. To express the trends and shapes, under the democratic discipline.
Second, a speech must be agreed based on a set of proposals to share and express different vision of country we want. This effort, the first stretch (the formulation) is advanced, but should be strengthened by a process of rapprochement, reflection and discussion groups so that the converging not only share visions, but above all tune into the same frequency .
work to confuse us, to divide, to disorient, to face, had the precision of a scalpel and the sharpness of a craft. It was an impeccable job in which they have taken pains since 1965. It was perhaps as serious as the corrupting process, which has become the PLD, PRD and other organizations into real political mafias
On the electoral level, for example, take politics seriously implies a steady job, with target dates, but out of time limits. We can not remove a candidate or a new and different party in every election. You have to earn and build applications and processes.
work will have to be concentrated and dispersed at once. Focus resources on areas most likely without neglecting the country's geopolitical vision. Progress in building local concrete examples to irradiate the national.
Taking politics seriously is to abandon forever the improvisation and avant-garde. What will be decided collectively and contribute to the extent of the possibilities to develop collective and individual projects.
take politics seriously is to take the training seriously political theory and create mechanisms to propel her in the center of a new political action.
also take seriously the organization and the national growth as a key priority. The old slogan to the masses is always current and real.
Two issues that we take seriously in building a political alternative are funding the fight and communications. Without resources and without a proper and successful policy and specific communication tools, there is no way to win the fight.
Another issue that we take seriously is the construction of political positions on social issues, for example, the position on Haitian immigration, the position on domestic producers against abortion position, the position on TLC, etc.
Taking politics seriously also implies, lay attitudes that emphasize the things that divide us. Participate in this process different expressions, and involve serious mature enough to understand and tolerate.
take seriously the policy, means abandoning the positions and discourses that we isolated from the population that still sees us as subjects "rare" in the environment. We speak in the language and themes that connect us with the society in its various strata and sectors.
why leave the chapel, in the trenches, chairs, classrooms and the media (and stay out say) to reach the houses, street corners, the conucos, markets , parks, street corners hot to colmadones to beauty salons and churches, to preach the message of change and build the structure to make it happen.
The task is difficult, but that the enhances.
Tomorrow is too late.