Ocoeños is time to say enough is enough hell blackouts day and night are overwhelming our Province San José de Ocoa put in our name arto us show these incompetent authorities that govern us that we deserve better service Ocoeños energy to go out any and all protest many hours of blackouts. I have for example the down town area where electric power leaves at 4 am and returns at 8 am turning to go at 11 am and returning at 7 and 7:30 pm but the thing is there between the way from 7:30 at 11 at night the power goes more than five kiss and the consequences of that is that breasts hurt all the electrical effect that we have in our homes not counting day by day traders who lose thousands of weight either in sausage meat and other food that must be properly refrigerated.
That the so-called solidarity card or color of a match does not disperse us in this fight we must carry out and that blackouts affecting the PRD PLD reformer and the Communist no one is safe with blackouts hell do not let a color x of a political party will obscure the view unamosno everything for this fight so much demand for the Province of San Jose de Ocoa.
Note: Only the fight we all fight ara free hand to fight a sea that is affecting all Ocoeños.
Uribe denunció que Santos cuenta con el guiño de los gringos
denounced Uribe Holy s.
With the phrase, "from the outside we want to impose a new president," the narco-president Uribe claims that Christ is back, and as the character garciamarquiano the Autumn of the Patriarch is unmoved as the buzzards get in through the balcony of the house presidential. Uribe knows that with the hyena Santos glory bells bend, a mournful sound, announcing the bad news that the bad times came with a Stentor heard in the halls of the INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT.
Let's start
not transcended the content of the meeting held lightning director of the CIA narco with Uribe. We all know that the dossier with which the U.S. put pressure on Uribe-alvaraco-has many pages, and if anyone knows the criminal profile Uribe, are the gringos. Every movement of the parachute, is properly documented. This dossier has been giving the U.S. a power on Uribe, combined with his appeasement of sepoy. Sepoy gangster dossier and have been the transmission belt of how the U.S. has been interfering in Bogotá. The former ambassador gringo mania placing and removing general gave way to the era Uribe, the instrumentalizació n of a president with a tail of straw, and that without any moral qualms gave the country, sacrificed the nation, to save himself.
director CIA Uribe was clear on his last visit, "Mr. President, so far Washington's support was" a third term of his, not backed the U.S. government. Point. The meeting was brief, not protocols, drive 23 minutes to 23 minutes longer than Uribe has lived, when compared only with the empty chairs the European parliament. It was a visit that retained diplomatic protocols, Uribe received the order, period. Hp will (Son of a bitch).
The meeting cited a new meeting was agreed to seek legal protection Uribe, that will be discussed again before ending his 130 days left in office. The gringos have promised protection to Uribe. Alvaraco who knows, does not believe them. Therefore, in the same week of the visit, all subjects, candidates offered impunity, forgiveness, immunity, protecting him and his family of vagrants.
United States has no friends, has interests or with the rod you measure will be measured.
In an interview, which was not with the W or with RCN and Caracol, if not emisorcita Soacha, "Radio Rumbo" the drug showed it is sent to the last drop of power, given a power that never has belonged, because in these years of "power" has done more than follow a script handed down in Washington. Now, supposedly tells us that from abroad we want to impose a new president. "Do not be pressing foreign governments," Uribe said on radio, with its laconic melancholy. Homeopathic drops and do not produce a placebo effect in that nauseating political corpse.
The foreign government which referred narcoparaco is the U.S. government and the candidate they want to impose that Uribe did not mention not to fall again in crime, the hyena is called Santos.
Juan Manuel Santos who has never won an election or win this, it toured the country to convince voters, he went to Washington and from there moved his chips for presidency. Saints who has promised the U.S. to win their endorsement, perhaps a war with Venezuela. Santos is committed, with the U.S. government to fight Chavez, the hidden agenda of this 'false positive' is to overthrow Chavez, that's the tab for the gringos.
Uribe When we claim that there is a candidate imposed from outside, not why you want to protect the Venezuelan Revolution , no, knows alvaraco ChukiSantos deliver it to justice international. Santos does not want competitors.
Uribe Santos will make you, as it will paramilitaries made their friends, between bandits no loyalties.
oligarchies oligarchies versus Antioquia Bogota is now available to make their bets. the oligarchies of the Costa del Valle and still do not know which side will play, place your bets gentlemen.
With Uribe, the oligarchy of Antioquia has established itself as the first capital investment in Venezuela, and strengthened with all policy externalizació No cost, Uribe offered from community-mafia state. Won the paramilitaries, narco and all the secret agreements between mafia-state. From Ralito until the last of the bands in Medellín. With that, we left a country where institutional chaos and the reign of crime. This government has no single indicator that shows success, and its flag policy, its failure was total in its fight against the insurgency.
If Santos becomes president as fears alvaraco, Bogota oligarchies will the foreground, Santos sharpen bad relations with Venezuela, regardless of the oligarchy Antioquia lose money. Total enemies in their lust for power. Carambola three bands, shit in the neighboring country and shits on Uribe's friends, and finally, kick ass the owner of the most fruitful to close with a flourish. Santos comes to the Mossad and the gringas 7 bases, the swearing and saying he just eats boogers with the guerrillas. Poor guy, his worst enemy, who would say, is Uribe himself who feels large animal steps.
Uribe knows that the bells of the double glory in his name, the good news that the countless time of eternity is ending ... ... .... The last leaves of autumn frost to the land of true darkness of oblivion.
None is to say that not related to the Lion of the Sun Land and Marbella connection, let alone waste blush.
Nothing v er rapist with deputy or the Chinese dealer.
is not the Star Group and Barrick Gold.
never wanted to know the Peme or Renewal, or "tying the goat" in the courtyard of Balaguer.
mammoth did not support the Magna Carta that privatization constitutionalises denies everything and collective rights of the people.
None neoliberal and abhors is not patronage and simulations.
has neither an oligarch Chin impoverishing burglar home, murderer home, sexist, racist anti-Haiti, a repressor of youth ...
Hate the "surgeons," the torturers "cartels," the "lie down" and the narco-state.
Not candidate "white", "Mora", "colorao" or "arrimao."
He is a contrast to the dominant political fauna: honest, humble, sincere, caring, enemy of privilege, opulence and ill-gotten wealth.
Love and defending the environment.
assumes that the natural heritage of the whole society, which must protect and play to bring it into harmony with humanity, always based on the collective welfare, not the profits of large capital.
We're not all / as the / as we want them to not continue to govern against the people.
That Congress is not a market.
That the parties are not joint stock companies.
That employers can not privatize everything to keep it all.
None can now be a candidate intangible, symbolic, to become advocates for multiple applications and fucking screwed.
None denied the vote for the candidates they represent more of the same. The weakened, legitimize, erodes ... seeks to create conditions to displace other tangible, physical ... but different
None The vote does not mean that there are no citizens to do things right, but that ballots are now certified vehicle or rot or are contaminated by improper alliances.
None The vote is a vote for the Constituent Assembly and other elections, with another correlation of forces. Is voting innovative participation tends to crack the mind represents highly corrupt.
Neither is the friend who prefigures the nominations of flesh and blood that soon, under better conditions, will compete to win.
Acts. Nuria Piera and Lora Huchi with latest Alicia Ortega, a kind of journalist are endangered in our country. His independence, his courage, professionalism and above all the meticulous addressing the issues that air, separates the group of parrots who writes for hire. Confront the power is not easy in countries like ours with low tolerance at all levels. Imports of beans, as all entries that require special permits from the government, has always been the subject of scandals, the rules that there has never been respected and is a mechanism to pay for political favors. Mancebo Francis's name comes up in the last program Nuria Piera. In this program, Nuria refers to the existence of a decree of President Leonel Fernandez, who in some cases allows importers to rate 0, which regulates the import grains and which outlines a few points:
1 - importing institutions must be incorporated into the Act 520 2 - must be registered in internal taxes. 3 - There should be a non-profit institutions. 4 - Must be at least 3 years constituted The same decree prohibits the same economic group or partner companies constitute simultaneous or parallel. Nuria Piera said that between November 20 and December 12, 2008, Francis Mancebo with two of her daughters They formed three companies: 1 - Distribuidora Diverse Products, DIPRODE, cxa 2 - National Grain Distributor, Dinagra. 3 - National Distributor of Mass Consumption Goods, FEDECOM. According Nuria, these companies have been beneficiaries of thousands of metric tons of beans.
Calculate the journalist 167 million family fortune Mancebo. The researcher noted in his program to other stakeholders, including Danilo Perez, assistant to President Fernandez.
The case has come to light by the National Grain Company, an importer of traditional grains, feels affected. Paradoxically, this company is from another ocoeño, Manuel Castillo.TOMADO HARRIS PAGE CASTLE